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What we do


to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the Word of God.
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” 

[Isaiah 61:1]

 Below is some information about our ministry.  

Please join us in prayer as we move forward little by little or clo, clo as they say in Sierra Leone.  

Our heart is for the lost though we also  have a real desire to help and encourage  Christians and Leaders in geographical areas where it may be difficult to find support and training.



As Christians, discipleship is key to our walk with the Lord Jesus and we want to encourage discipleship with those new Christians coming to faith through our meetings.  Our teams revisit the communities with and run regular discipleship groups.  We also love to help the local churches develop their discipleship programmes.  With our partner organisation Transformed International we run a youth programme called Africa Youth Award.

A Building in Kailahun

Village Outreach

This is the main thrust of our ministry.  Our local teams go in to surrounding villages and communities and  preach the gospel, inviting those that respond to go to church on Sunday.  Many of the villages / communities visited want ongoing support and so links are developed and our team continue to support and encourage these communities on a regular basis by starting small discipleship groups.


House Church Planting

We are not  a church planting organisation but because of the nature of our work it is evident that Church planting is something that is needed.    If a community want a church our team work with them and help and encourage them to build  community.  We use the #NoPlaceLeft Training making disciples to make disciples. The Church is the people not a building our team help to build the people in their faith and so the church grows.  We encourage people to start meeting in homes together as church.  We do NOT build buildings.

Facilitate the Teaching and Training of Leaders and Young People

Working with our partner organisation Transformed International  (operating as Watchmen International in Africa) we bring a training programme called the Spiritual Transformation Training Programme to encourage, teach, equip and transform pastors and leaders.  We also facilitate the Africa Youth Award which is a 12 month training programme for young people.

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Village Distributions

In November 2024 we completed our first Lifewater UK Village Distribution in Nyanyahun, a village in the Kailahun District of Sierra Leone. 150 Households now have access to clean and safe drinking water.  Thank you to our partners Lifewater UK and their sponsors for making this possible.



Multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and movements
until there is #noplaceleft.

The journey of true disciple-making starts here! Learn how to share your story (testimony), share the gospel, Lead Obedience-Based Bible Studies, engage in short-term and long-term discipleship patterns, and form churches that multiply disciples into multiplying churches!

Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries

Kailahun, Sierra Leone

Preston, Lancashire, UK

+232 77 555439 (Sierra Leone)

+44 7477 272726 (UK)

+44 7791784354 (UK) (UK)

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@2017 by Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries. -  Charity Number: 1193894

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