Registered Charity - 1193894
About Us
“To ACT justly to LOVE mercy and to WALK humbly with our God.”
[Micah 6:8]
Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries is a small charitable organisation working primarily in the Kailahun District of Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Ali and Lorraine Patience were living in Kailahun working with another UK based charity, while there they worked with Leaders and Pastors of local churches and saw their heart to reach out with the Gospel message to those living in remote villages and communities. Ali and Lorraine felt prompted by the Lord to help and so Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries was born.
Very simply we help to facilitate the evangelical work of local churches in Kailahun.
We also work with partner organisations bringing discipleship and spiritual training.
We believe that physical wellbeing is also important and when we are made aware of physical or practical needs we will respond as the Holy Spirit leads and as the Lord provides.
Working together to reach out with the love of Jesus.
Our Team

Ali and Lorraine Patience
UK Coordinators

Pastor Zaccarhiah Ken Fullah

Sierra Leone Team
Sierra Leone Coordinator
We need your help to preach the Good News of Jesus. Please pray about helping us by donating to this work. A small amount can go a long way in Africa. Please consider a one of donation or it would be great if you were able to commit to a monthly donation, just £10.00 a month will make such a big difference. With monthly donations it is easier for us to budget and plan though we trust and have faith to believe God will give us all we need for what He has planned for us to do. Thank you for your support.